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+371 63926332
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Informacje dostępne dzięki:

Bauskas novada pašvaldībai, īstenojot Interreg V-A Latvijas – Lietuvas pārrobežu sadarbības programmas 2014.-2020.gadam projektu “Kapsētu administratīvo pakalpojumu efektivitātes un pieejamības uzlabošana Latvijas un Lietuvas pārrobežu reģionos”Nr. LLI-437 Digital cemetery

CEMETY is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Read more Our privacy policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the privacy policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. For the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation – as well as other applicable privacy and data processing rules and regulations, the data controller is SIA “CEMETY”, registration no. 40103618951, registered at Straumēni 3-15, Zaķumuiža, Ropažu nov., Latvia, LV-2133. If you have any questions about your data and how we use it please contact us by email , or in writing to our address.